
Harp's Past

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Rule the World
It all started when Iorek, the rather cynical and cold Advisor of the North came across a disturbed cry for help one spring morning during one of his solo-walks near the Valley Bend. Knowing it would be wrong to not investigate and help, the tom of Ice instantly went to help aide the cat in need... only to come across the familiar Northern Healer by the name of Glendower. Now Glendower was an avid Air wielder (although she did claim it was one of the worst elements out there), and although uncommon to be seen within the Healer ranks, she was an exceptional she-cat and thus one of the most respected cats in the North alongside Iorek and Iomedae. However, the she-cat's tolerance for pain was quite high, so upon seeing her with a few minor scrapes from her trip down one of the steep bends of the valley, Iorek couldn't help but grow annoyed. If a cat can't handle a silly small wound, then how on earth did they survive so far in lands like these? Either way, the Advisor did offer up help for the Healer and despite the conversation being more awkward then anything, it soon took a turn the moment Iorek asked for advice on herbs. And from then on a neutral friendship bloomed between the two cats...

Eventually both Iorek and Glendower crossed paths again properly a couple of moons later; only except this time Iorek was now a Leader ever since a devastating freak fire took the life of his predecessor. Although this time it was much less on a serious note. The tabby tom had heard that the Air Elemental had accidentally sent his adopted daughter Olive (also Glenda's Rookie) afloat with one of her spells and from the sounds of the smaller she-cat's explanation, she was traumatised. Knowing all well that he needed to teach the Healer a lesson, Iorek activated a spell of his and shot a blanket of ice underneath Glendower's paws. The tan-point in question; however, was not amused by this out of character behavior from the stoic tom.Although after a small scolding, it was all but forgotten the moment Iorek asked for more information about herbs; being a Leader meant he was also the top Healer for the Region, but there was a problem. Iorek hadn't learnt all the herbs necessary considering Iomedae had passed away before she could finish teaching him. So now it was up to Glenda to teach him! Despite their differences, the two began to enjoy each other's company as they walked through the Valley Bend once again to search for herbs - Glendower explaining them eagerly. Though something slowly began to stir within Iorek during this trip; he began to notice that every time she smiled at him, something warm flooded his sealed up heart.He didn't know what it was to be honest at that point, so he left it as nothing unusual. The day ended eventually the moment he was reminded by his new companion that he had a patrol to attend to although Glendower seemed confident enough that the two would go out on another "date" sometime again...

Though not in this way.

One day the she-cat was out collecting herbs when all of a sudden a fox came out of nowhere. Fearing for her life, the hysteric she-cat ran as fast as she could go... only to end up getting cornered. Fearing that this was the end, Glendower closed her eyes and expected the worst to come... But it never came. Instead, she heard the sounds of violence and the moment she looked again, she almost wished she hadn't. Iorek had come to her rescue... but he was losing. She was frightened by the sheer violence of the whole ordeal; it was there that she realised that the tabby tom that was her Leader was capable of killing her if he desired to (though he would never do that, for she knew he was better than that!), though she both feared and cheered for him. Eventually Iorek won the fight after chasing the savage beast away with Blood Chill - only to collapse no soon afterwards. Not wanting to lose him like she had with her mother in the past, Glendower instantly went to patch the unconscious Leader up. When Iorek woke up, the two had a talk as he slowly regained what strength he needed in order to return to the camp. It was during that that both cats felt that warm feeling inside them; love. Iorek was soon confined within the Healer's Den for the next few days in order to heal from his battle wounds. During this stay he learned more about herbs and their uses with Glendower as well as witness the strange appearance of early snow... Snow that would soon turn into dangerous - if not hazardous - snowstorms. Although unbeknownst to him, Glendower did have a talk with her best friend Akarui about her feelings for Iorek whilst the Crafter in turn spoke of the she-cat that would be her own future love Dolorosa.

That very same night, Iorek awoke to gaze out at the stars. Glendower followed him of course after being awoken from the sudden cold breeze he had let escape deep into the den itself, and though she hated the cold, the Air wielder went to join him. It was here that the Leader shared his own knowledge and beliefs in the stars and spirits and it was there that Glendower was sure that what she felt for him was indeed love. He was wise and brave... he also saved her! Meanwhile Iorek also felt the same way, though he still was in some denial. No soon after he recovered did he have a word with and old friend of his called Clementine. After explaining his feelings, the ginger Warrior told her friend that what he was feeling was indeed love on a different scale then the one he would have felt for his deceased mother and Kaa before he turned traitor. Finally letting that word sink in and figuring himself out, Iorek asked Akarui to create an anklet for Glendower herself as well as catching up on her own progress. Even if it was soon revealed that the strange weather patterns were appearing not only in the North, but in the other Regions as well (each being different of course), nothing would stop the tom from asking one lucky she-cat one thing. Meeting at the Valley Bend, Iorek gave his love the gift he had ordered from the Fire Elemental and revealed his affections for her. He was over the moon when he heard Glendower return the favor, and before long he found himself kissing her for the first time. Although it was the Healer that asked to be his mate, to which of course he agreed to.

So for a while the two remained a happy couple; though there were several talks and concerns about the worsening blizzards and problems. There also talks about raising a family together, though the two were frightened that if any kits that were to be born in weather like this would not make it. When the East Region moved into the North for a few weeks; however, disaster struck. Joann, Iorek's first Advisor, went missing in action during an outing. Having no choice but to declare him deceased, Iorek appointed a new Advisor by the name of Castor. Glendower comforted him of course and she certainly made him happier after they had a little "fun" in his den's privacy. When the East were forced out of the North thanks to Iorek's ongoing stress and the unstable storms in his Region regressing the prey source, rumors started spreading of prey theft. Angered by this, the tom waited for the next Gathering to come the next day; in which it did. Although Glendower herself had a surprise to tell her mate... During the gathering itself it was revealed that she was pregnant with none other than Iorek's kits. Joy at knowing he would be fathering his own kits make Iorek a much more happier tom - so much so he remained calm upon her words. Until the Followers came that is as well as the reveal of an alive Kaa.

The night was hectic and Iorek was pushed to his limits; in the end he left without another word and with a new determination set in his heart, the Leader vowed to protect everyone in his Region; especially his beloved Glendower and unborn litter...

Here I Am, This Is Me
One cold, spring (though more like winter) night, Glendower eventually gave birth to not one, not four, but six little kittens; something that happens only once in a while in a Region... Despite the birth being long, painful, and gruelling for not only just the Queen, but Iorek too (she was yelling at him the whole time), the two new parents couldn't help but stare at awe at their first litter of kits. The two saw it as a blessing from Andromeda herself for both had grown up as only children, yet their kits would not have that same fate back in their youth of no playmates. That and it was ironic to know that the genders of each of the kits were evenly split; three toms and three she-kits. Of course, as already decided, Iorek chose the youngest of his daughters to be named after the she-cat that had mothered him and the one he deeply respected and loved to this day in his memories of her; Harper. And thus, a new chapter had opened up in the North, one of life and possible joy through the darkness. The kits grew fast - before long their eyes had opened and they were walking around. However, it was Harp that seemed to outdo her siblings as the ring-leader out of oblivious reasons. She became somewhat of an enigma in the camp thanks to her charm and heritage, though many would often comment that she resembles her mother more than the Nothern King himself. Not that she minds; Harp is just happy the way she is. Even if the snow is chilly, she can't help but enjoy it and see a beauty in it - that and her father possess's that element himself. Currently she remains gullible to the outside world and spends most of her time messing around with others and asking lots of questions.
TBS: ~Harp|Kit|North|Water Elemental (Unknown) by Kitonika9
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