Onward and UpwardKitlingLD on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kitlingld/art/Onward-and-Upward-857818530KitlingLD

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Onward and Upward



This is a commission piece that I actually started back in July and finished sometime in September. It features Atsuko Kagari from Little Witch Academia and Takagi from Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san (AKA. Teasing Master Takagi-san). The painting was made for my client's friend as a birthday gift, and the subject matter was chosen because my client's friend really likes both shows the characters are from. I personally have never seen Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san, but I have seen Little Witch Academia and enjoyed it quite a bit.

I haven't made anything in over a year, outside of some doodles in my sketch book here and there. So I feel good doing something again, even if it is just one painting. I started out kind of rusty because it had been so long, but in some ways, painting is a lot like riding a bike; you never really forget how. I'm hopeful that I can make more time for art in my future despite life seemingly always getting in the way. At any rate, I hope you enjoy this painting as much as I did making it, and as much as my client enjoyed seeing it completed!
Image size
3000x2400px 20.61 MB
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