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Team Fabulous



These guys are always open for cameos, so go ahead if you want to use them. Message me if you want specifics on their behavior and how they'd react in a given situation. 
Also, I'd appreciate it if you gave a link in the comics! I'd love to see your art. :)

Bellatrix - Naughty, Loves to Eat 
Grew up in a small pack of Zorua and Zoroark that hunted other Pokemon in Thundrun Plains. Subsequently, she doesn't feel much empathy to other Pokemon other than her species, one of the only exceptions being Joise, who she is rather fond of. Curious about the world, she set off to explore. She met Josie along the way, and since the Drillbur was more experienced with the ways of the outside world, she exchanged her protective services for a guide. She was the one who named the team. "Because I am, in fact, extremely fabulous."
Unfortunately, hanging around with a sweet cinnamon bun such as Josie has it's drawbacks, like developing a conscience. 

Currently in inventory: 
Swamp Net (gives ability Sticky Hold)

Reference Sheet:

Josie - Docile, Highly Curious
Being a Drillbur without claws basically sucks. Being a Drillbur born without claws, whose family business is mining, sucks even harder. While her family was emotionally supportive and didn't mind her clawlessness, the rest of the colony wasn't so kind. She was teased mercilessly by the other kids, well into her late teenage years. It was then she decided to leave. After a tearful farewell with her family, she set out. As it turned out, traveling without your species' main weapon was harder than expected. Luckily, she met a kind Pokemon along the way who helped her learn the move Swords Dance, which she uses in the place of claws. Traveling became easier, but it was still tricky. Thieves were generally stronger than her, even with her new found strength.
It was then she met Bellatrix.
One night a bandit attacked her, but she was saved by (the appetite of) Bellatrix. The Zorua killed and ate the poor thief, but was too full to go for Josie. Disgusted but grateful, Josie thanked Bellatrix, who was more than happy to take credit for a good deed she didn't mean to do. When Bellatrix noticed Josie was traveling as well, she asked if she could tag along. "I have a horrible sense of direction. I keep going around in circles!" She said. After noticing the uncertainty on Josie's face, she promised not to eat her. Josie agreed, on the condition Bellatrix didn't eat any other Pokemon (no matter 'how deserving') either. Reluctantly, Bellatrix agreed.

Currently in inventory: 
Symbol of Charity (allows use of Heal Pulse, recharged with an act of charity)
Bag of Holding (lets one item in storage be used, once per chapter)

Reference Sheet:

Bartholomew - Rash, Likes to Fight
Originally from Thundrun Plains, like Bellatrix, Bartholomew is used to a rougher and more wild style of life. But rather than run from the carnivorous packs that hunted his herd, Bartholomew elected to fight. Fight and try to protect those he loved. Fighting was seen as brutal because that is what the carnivores did, but that didn't stop Bartholomew. One day, he failed. Because of his failure, he couldn't stand to be a part of the herd anymore. Everything reminded him of the one he lost. So he left. Left to try and become stronger, so he wouldn't lose anyone ever again. He eventually made his way to Tabira, hearing that all kinds of Pokemon could live there however they wanted. 
Arrested for his aggressive behavior of challenging whomever he saw, Bartholomew got released on community service, on the condition that he joined Team Fabulous. Bellatrix refers to him as 'Barf', 'It', or 'That Thing I Didn't Eat'. Josie is teaching him how to read.

Currently in inventory:

Item Storage

Team Log
Spring Forth Tasks:
Darkhowl Woods:
Rivercross Acres:
Intermission 2:
Chapter 3:
Intermission 3:
Chapter 4:
Intermission 3, Battle Bright Temple:
Chapter 5, Gilgamarsh's Fate:

 This team is for :icontalesoftabira:
Image size
1025x3567px 1.91 MB
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Shadow-Chu's avatar
they're all really great but... i... really love Josie omg