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Squint Squad (Temp) App




Shen - Abra
Ability: Magic Guard

Teleport: Able to teleport to a different location that he has been to, or can see.
Psychic: Surrounded by a psychic aura, he can manipulate objects without touching them or hit foes with a psychic force.
Ally Switch: Able to swap places with a friend. Like Teleport, but with this move he doesn't have to see his friend, and his friend appears where he was.
Knock Off: Hits the foe. Their items/accessories can come loose.

Clara - Skitty(Shiny)
Ability: Wonder Skin

Charm: Sweet-talks the foe into doing what she wants.
Flash: Creates a bright white light at the end of her tail. Can blind the foe or be used to light up dark places.
Faint Attack: Sinks into the shadows and attacks the foe from behind.
Last Resort: Burst of energy from her body. Extremely powerful, but is only used when all of her other methods are tried and failed, as it is exhausting to use.

For :iconpmdunity:
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mercurybird's avatar
AH another abra this makes me happy yes! and this team name omfg. perfect.