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KitaNeeko's avatar

The Devil's in Your Hands



WOAH! WARNING! If you're not cool with Tech/Rev, Tech/Duck, capes, arguments, watching videos, mature implications, the color teal, music, Loonatics Unleashed or flowers, DON'T FOLLOW THE LINK. There, I've relieved myself all all responsibility. Don't whine at me for not heeding my bold letters.

Now, for the children who can behave themselves:

Jeebus! Another?! That's two in a month! Then again, I've only got a Trial of Vegas 9, so I'm likely to belt out a couple more in the next two weeks before it expires. Besides, Vidlets are fun! :heart:

OMG! This vidlet has a PLOT?! No wai! I'm actually pretty proud of this one. I'm still getting the hang of the program.

I put tags and warnings on this 'cause people are sissies sensitive. Not like the image I picked is icky or anything though. -shakes head-

Loonatics Unleashed (c) Warner Bros
Image size
657x457px 202.88 KB
© 2011 - 2025 KitaNeeko
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Teaganm's avatar
Tech he very cool always best Genius coyotes