Agent CaliforniaKitaNeeko on DeviantArt

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Agent California



Wheeeeeee! Entirely too much of Cal and Utah over the last week. Have so many other things I could {should} be drawing. I've stopped bothering to look up how Cal's armor should look and am just going with 'meh, I think it looks close enough.' I'll get Utah's done pretty quickly.

Setting: Dunno, a place, I guess.
Name: Holly Veltman
Age: 38
Alias: Agent California
Nationality: English
Appearance: Standing at 5’9”, Cal is a little on the thin side, obviously built more for speed than for strength. Her pale skin bears scars from past battles, the most notable of them being the one that stretches across her face and over her nose. She suffers from terminal helmet-hair, since she could never be bothered to style it if she was planning to put her armor on at any point in her day. She keeps it short so it doesn’t get in the way and occasionally dyes it a darker brown to hide the streaks of premature grey she has developed from the stress of her work. She has large brown eyes that have a strangely childish gleam about them, betraying her otherwise serious expressions.

Personality: While she usually means well, Cal lacks people skills. Many find it difficult to hold a meaningful conversation with her. She fidgets and avoids talking directly to anyone who addresses her. The exception to this is Agent Utah, whom she frequently expresses her affection for in childish ways. She obviously takes her work very seriously, although she seems to be entirely too excited when things begin exploding, regardless of whether she caused it herself. She tends to be exceptionally prideful and is easily offended when criticized about her looks, work, or relationships. She is the steadfastly loyal type, choosing her loyalties, however, appears to be something of a problem for her.

Being around Agent Utah brings about an abrupt change in her character. She becomes passive, energetically happy, and outwardly affectionate toward him, seemingly pulling energy from his very presence.

Freelancer Story: Cal had a difficult time fitting in with the others. She was cold, sullen, and relied on vicious insults and snide remarks to keep others at bay while she adjusted to the new setting. However, her defensive mechanisms had left her without many friends to rely on. Eventually, she was assigned a series of missions with Agent Utah, who, despite her cold demeanor, was kind and cooperative. Her feelings began to change when she found out that Utah had been requesting missions with her after their first one. She found a joy that she hadn't before in her work, and fell madly in love with the man.

She received Xi with her armor upgrade; the dangers of having it run without an AI were far too great. It took pity on her, sympathized with her inability to talk to anyone but Agent Utah, and decided it would help. While interacting with others, Xi does a considerable amount of the talking, sometimes all of it if Utah is not at her side.

Specialization: Demolitions

Armour: Scout in green with orange accents.

Armour Enhancements: Respawn in 10… Cal's armor is designed to activate a reconstructive healing agent if her heart stops beating. Without an AI to monitor it, it has the capability of being over-active, which may result in failure, intense pain, or the accidental grafting of her armor to her skin.

AI: Xi, Alpha's sympathy and Cal's acting 'people person.'

Preferred Weapons and Fighting Techniques: All manner of grenades, grenade launchers, and rocket launchers. She employs a 'blast it into oblivion' tactic on the battlefield, preferring not to get very close to her opponents. In extremely close quarters, she is not afraid to plant a grenade directly on an opponent and hope that her armor will rebuild her in a timely manner without too much damage to her appearance. In extremely close quarters with teammates too close to the blast radius, she has a pistol... that she usually forgets to load.

Backstory: Standard military service before being selected for the Freelancer project, and then the AI project. She was deployed with Agent Utah for her first few missions and the two of them have developed a close relationship. {far too lazy to come up with more.}

Fanfiction: N/A

Theme Song: Consider This [link]

Quotes: "Boom! Rumble, rumble, rumble." "B-but I wanted to blow it up!" "Because fuck you. The end." "Back off, Bitch, he's mine!" ~To anyone who looks at Utah, regardless of gender or sexual orientation

Template thanks to :iconbushtuckapenguin:

Template: [link]

Red vs Blue (c) RoosterTeeth
Halo (c) Bungie
Cal/Xi (c) Myself, yay!
Image size
1028x739px 508.67 KB
© 2011 - 2025 KitaNeeko
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Alpha-Fragment-Xi's avatar
Okay, guys and girls, listen up: I'm making a list of ALL of the Freelancers (not just canon, but fanon too, and any repeats that come in). But I need help. If you have any morsel of info about the established Freelancers, please send it to If you have any non-established Freelancers or AI inside your mind, send it. If it's one you just found, great; send it. If it's one you made up, even better; send it. If it's one you just have a slight idea about and want to know if anyone else has said anything about him, her, or it, send it and I'll tell you what others have for that Freelancer. And please, PLEASE ask others to help! There is no way anyone could do this alone. So I ask: please wont you help?