Project ProtagonistsKit-The-Wolfy on DeviantArt

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Project Protagonists



Major protagonists of the four projects I mentioned in a recent journal: Pokemon Morado and Marron, Danganronpa: Immortal Shadowplay, Kamen Rider Victory, and Power Rangers Nebula Nine.

Top Left: Maria Alerce
Protagonist of Pokemon Morado and Marron. She, along with her cousin Maximo, recieve Starter Pokemon and PokeDexes from their aunt, Professor Magdalena Alerce, and are asked to gather as much information possible about the history, culture, traditions, and Pokemon of the Navarro Region as possible. She has a cheerful, fashion-forward demeanor, and goes toward her goals with enthusiasm. As far as training Pokemon goes, she has not yet chosen a Starter Pokemon.

Top Right: Tenjuro Hoshikawa
Protagonist of Danganronpa: Immortal Shadowplay. The "Ultimate Comic Artist", who recieved that title for publishing several critically-acclaimed independent webcomics, and soon after becoming the youngest person with a work serialized in a weekly manga magazine at age 14. This is the only element of his past that he remembers. His personality is meek and quiet, and he habitually dislikes conflict, but he's incredibly good with words.

Bottom Left: Daizo Izayoi
Protagonist of Kamen Rider Victory. He was recently released from prison on probation after committing a felony. After an encounter with an unidentified lifeform, he recieved the Victory Driver, a buckle and bracer system that gives him the ability to access the armor and powers of a masked hero, "Kamen Rider Victory". It's difficult to understand what he's thinking, because he doesn't speak very much, but he has a sincere personality and an honest desire to make amends for his crimes, regardless of any personal cost.

Bottom Right: Felipe Buhay
Protagonist of Power Rangers Nebula Nine. An 18-year-old who lives on the run from the Hyperspace Mafia, to whom he owes an astronomical monetary debt thanks to the mysterious disappearance of his parents. His place of birth is the planet Luth in the Leo constellation. The item he wears around his neck is the Planetary Power Sphere of Leo, which he came across when he was young but never learned the origin or true nature of. He has a pessimistic nature, and suffers from undiagnosed symptoms of major depressive disorder.

I hope you like them all!
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anonymous's avatar
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Seems like a band of interesting fellows!

I've never heard about your Danganronpa or KR Victory ideas. I don't know how fleshed out they are, but I'd love to hear if you have anything else in mind.