DO NOT WORRY, MY FRIENDS! (TF) (not my art)Kit-The-Wolfy on DeviantArt

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Kit-The-Wolfy's avatar

DO NOT WORRY, MY FRIENDS! (TF) (not my art)



Don't worry, everyone! I'll be your shield! ...and maybe we can get some currywurst later! :D

I got this adorable piece of work from my bud Mrdrawinglover ! I get to turn into Reinhardt from Overwatch! I love that big, cuddly old lion so much, he's so exuberant and jolly and brave and fun just... Yeah. XD Looks like my glasses aren't faring so well, though. Eh, I'm blind in one eye now, not like I need 'em.

Reinhardt Wilhelm (c) Blizzard Entertainment
Me (c) Yours truly
Art (c) Mrdrawinglover 
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1024x1385px 191.1 KB
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monstermaster13's avatar

Well he certainly did a good job.