1. Don't u also think this is really childish? xX (again remember it's his fault: !SeverusBlackpaw (https://www.deviantart.com/severusblackpaw) )
Mraw, maybe a little n_n
2. What time of the year do u mostly like?
Something between Spring and Summer :3
3. What's your hobby (except drawing)?
mmm I go photographing and collect things
4. Have u ever had a pet?
yes, some pets, but all died in old age :/ Maybe someday a kitty or dog again
5. What's your favorite game? (Pc, board game and so on)
My all time favorite game would be the Lion King on Snes (atleast I've played it the longest of all my games)
6. Do u play online games? (browser games or MMORPG?
Used to