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Tutorial: How to wash a wig



:bulletred: EDIT: Try not to brush a wig when its wet. I've learned this just after writing this tutorial. Since I'm too lazy to redo the whole thing (and because I never knew that you weren't supposed to brush a wet wig), there is how you would proceed:
- Wash the wig just like you would in this tutorial.
- put it on a wig stand and let it dry completely. DON'T BRUSH IT YET!
- When it is completely dry, follow the steps in the tutorial to detangle your wig.

Apparently, brushing a wig when it is wet can cause damages to the fibers, even if they are synthetic. Maybe I'll redo the whole thing if I see that brushing it when it is dry makes a difference when you wash a wig.


Okay, it has been more than a year since I've written a cosplay tutorial. Since I've had positive feedback for it, I figured out: why not make some more?

I've decided to try writing one tutorial per cosplay I make (at least). Or at least a WIP. I think it is great to help other cosplayers by sharing techniques :)

The reason why I've written a tutorial about washing wigs is because I often pass them to my friends, so they travel around quite a lot. The problem is that the more people wear it, the more "greasier" it looks. It looses it's shine and great texture. Plus, when I ask my friends to wash them, they often do not really know how to do it, so I figured that this could help them out.

I've not tried to wash a curly wig yet - I believe that you could still use baking soda and soft soap, but I really don't know how to brush the curls after that (I'm too scared to mess up to try something yet)m especially if they are on clips.

Anyway, if you have any question, feel free to ask me and I'll answer at the best of my capabilities!

Also please credit me if you want to post this tutorial somewhere. :)
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Sailor-Aria's avatar
Would this work for a curly long wig?