Kisshu-Neko on DeviantArt

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Kisshu-Neko's avatar

Ocarina of Time



I only took a few pictures of my princess Zelda cosplay with my mother at G-Anime 2012, and there are only 2 or 3 pictures that I really like. This picture is one of them (especially becuase you can see how large the skirt is!) :)

I normally don't really like the idea of con pictures very much, but these are the only one I have because I rarely go to any photoshoots... I wish I could do some more tough!

Anyway - This is my Princess Zelda cosplay for Ocarina of Time! I believe that more than a hundred of hours went into it. I've worked on this projects since G-anime 2011 ended (including the idea, searching for fabric and techniques, etc). I'm quite proud of the result :)

:iconkisshu-neko: as princess Zelda from Ocarina of Time
Photo took by my mom

:bulletpink: Award: Best video game in the journeyman division
if you are interested, you can see my masquerade performance here: [link] I am entry number 38. It is at the very end of the video ^.^
Image size
4288x3216px 2.35 MB
PENTAX Optio RS1000
Shutter Speed
1/100 second
Focal Length
5 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jan 28, 2012, 1:35:15 PM
© 2012 - 2024 Kisshu-Neko
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Ilora24's avatar
I want see "Several" photos on your Zelda cosplay! :la: