Check out the above Journal for commission and Streaming Info
Art Trades CLOSED - Commissions OPEN
If this changes, those who watch me will receive a journal updating my status. I DO NOT TAKE REQUESTS so please do not ask. When I DO do them, I do them via livestream/picarto/joinme as a watcher appreciation sort of thing. Please do not come to my page asking for free art. Commissions are currently open and done real time via Picarto Livestream. Please see my journal for more details Questions?! Feel free to ask me
Something kinda random.
Not sure if you do Kickstarter, but this might interest you. Just trying to help it by getting people to know about it and getting to across the finish line.
Noiramore Academy: A Mystery Adventure Game.
You are awesome.
Hey what happened to you?
Hi, how are things going? You've been gone for a long time. Did you move to a different website?
Have you moved on from DeviantART? I miss your art and you were always one of my favorites.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa amazing artwork!!!!