Kishan-Bagaria's avatar

35 Deviations

The One Click Llama Button Exchangers List is a list of deviants who give a llama to everyone who gives them one.

Why make yet another llama exchange list?
This list is one of its kind, it is the most feature-rich list you'll find anywhere.
- it shows you the llama stats of every deviant (automatically generated by a program)
- it won't include any deviants who given lesser llamas than they have received
- it integrates perfectly with One Click Llama Button so that you can give llamas with one click

Go check it out, add yourself, bookmark the link and share it with your friends:

One Click Llama Button Exchangers List

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One Click Llama Button by Kishan-Bagaria

January 27, 2017: v4.2.10+ works with the latest DA update and fixes the error "cannot set property 'checked' of undefined". I'd've fixed it faster but I'm not active online much these days (on DA and email) so sorry about that. Now I need someone to make me a one click button to respond to all the notes and comments. :dummy:

March 3, 2016: v2.4+ works with the latest DA update.

Feb 2016:

Update/reinstall One Click Llama Button, v2.3 works with the latest DA update.


So about 20 hours ago, DA changed something which broke One Click Llama Button. I got to know about it just now, because I didn't check DA for so long.

The fix was just 6 letters long, didn't take long to figure out but that didn't prevent my notifications to get filled by hundreds of people in 20 hours.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to reach out. I've sent a note to everyone who commented so that you get notified about the new version. I guess I'll check here more often but you can also email me if this happens again so that I get notified quicker:


Also, thanks for all the amazing comments, it's nice to know there are so many active users. :happybounce:

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One Click Llama Button by Kishan-Bagaria

Llamas were introduced exactly 5 years ago and today is their 5th anniversary.

One Click Llama Button v2 is now ready and requires testing.

OCLBv2 gives llamas a lot faster, is more stable (very unlikely that you'll get an error) and if you hit the spam filter, you'll see :spam: instead of the error icon.

Note me if you'd like to test it. Released to public, just update it from Tamper/Grease/Violentmonkey.

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As you might know, deviantART doesn't allow uploading of EXEs or EXEs in ZIPs for security reasons. Many deviants rename the exe extension to something else, include a note for users to rename the extension, zip the folder and upload it. It becomes a hassle for users to rename the extension back to exe if there are multiple files.

There's a way to automate the renaming so do this instead:

1. Rename the extension from exe to rename_exe. (If you know how to use CMD, cd into the directory where your files are located and type rename *.exe *.rename_exe)

2. Include a file named Run Me First.cmd with the following text:
rename *.rename_exe *.exe
3. Zip the folder as usual and upload to deviantART.

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Will you upgrade to Windows 8.1?

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Join The One Click Llama Button Exchangers List by Kishan-Bagaria, journal

One Click Llama Button has been updated and fixed by Kishan-Bagaria, journal

Auto-renaming EXE files in deviations by Kishan-Bagaria, journal

Windows 8 Customization App Ideas by Kishan-Bagaria, journal