DreamScene ActivatorKishan-Bagaria on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kishan-bagaria/art/DreamScene-Activator-162669533Kishan-Bagaria

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DreamScene Activator

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DreamScene Activator is a freeware from door2windows that allows you to activate DreamScene in all editions of Windows 7 & Vista. This freeware is the only freeware on the net that has the desktop text bug fixed.

DreamScene is a feature that allows users to set any video in WMV/MPG format as the desktop wallpaper. This feature was only included in Windows Vista Ultimate Edition.

How to use:

  1. Run the tool as administrator.

  2. Click the slider. Wait until it says ON.

  3. Right-Click on any video in WMV/MPG format and select Set as DreamScene.
If you run this app for the first time then restart your PC. Now the video that you selected will be set as the desktop wallpaper.

You can find nice DreamScenes here.
Image size
251x236px 24.64 KB
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Amanda-Kulp's avatar
Do they have something like this on Windows 10?