Kisaki-Shattoriboshi on DeviantArt

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Radical Grim



My entry for the Seventh Sanctum contest Characters - EXTREME! [link]

Name: Radical Grim
Description: This gentleman gives you the impression of a menacing shark. His physical form is very sleek. He has neck-length, straight hair the color of the evening sky. His deep-set eyes are the exact color of rust. He has a small mouth.

I used the Fantasy Name Generator Extreme [link] generator to get the name and the Bishotron generator [link] to get the description. The only thing is, I misread the directions on the coloring of the hair and eyes (I accidentally gave him rust-colored hair, and from there I just went my own way), but I think these darker colors work better with the character anyway.

I think in a JRPG, Radical Grim would probably be the type of character who starts off as a villian whom you fight in a boss (or mini-boss) battle, then turns to the side of good and joins your party.
Image size
692x944px 118.76 KB
HP Scanjet djf4200
Date Taken
May 28, 2009, 4:12:22 PM
© 2009 - 2024 Kisaki-Shattoriboshi
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Elainatehkitty's avatar
Wow. He looks like a character I'd see from a fantasy game like "NiGHTs" This looks really good. I'm faving this.