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KirlianCamera's avatar

New Beginnings



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Literally the first outdoor test I did with the new camera. I was at the lagoon of Messologhi this weekend with two good friends and we woke up to a rainy morning but true to our cause we left the house to drive to that location which was the primary target of our weekend. The storm cleared as we approached and what attracted me from the beginning was this light glowing in the dark. So I set up my tripod turned live view on and the rest was made easy by that wonderful feature :D

I'd like to dedicate this shot to justeline who couldn't be with us this weekend cause of an exhibition she was holding at her home town. :love: Of course she never left my mind but she never believes me when I tell her. :)


*tech stuff
Camera: Nikon D3s
Lens: AF-S Nikkor ED 17-35mm f/2.8D IF30mm
Aperture: f/11
Shutter Speed: 30”
ISO: 200
Flash: Did not fire
Filters:Hoya HD Cir-Pl
Tripod: YES
Image size
1177x859px 403.53 KB
© 2010 - 2024 KirlianCamera
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hunterjuly4's avatar
This is such a lovely picture 🎨🐟