Agnes on Fluffle PuffKirbyBelle on DeviantArt

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KirbyBelle's avatar

Agnes on Fluffle Puff



Two of the most adorable and crazy creatures in existence, together? We're screwed.

I love the OC pony Fluffle Puff, she's just too cute and funny. Besides that, I liked "Despicable Me" (and its sequel) very much, having adorable characters like Agnes, the minions and so. Speaking of the little Agnes, I remembered her famous quote 'It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!' from the first movie, my mind drifted off to our lovable hairy pony, I put two and two together and, well... This is what came from that. Chrysalis, Dan and Twilight: run.

Oh, and this crazy pair isn't alone, for Gummy and one of the minions had become good friends. Our little reptile was even gifted with a pair of goggles!

Fluffle Puff belongs to :iconflufflepuff622:
Twilight's library by :iconthejourneysend:…
Gummy, Twilight Sparkle's library and FiM belong to Hasbro.
Agnes and the minions from "Despicable me" saga belong to Universal Studios.
Image size
1024x576px 279.54 KB
© 2013 - 2025 KirbyBelle
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mlpsuperfan1234's avatar
put horn on it then lets see what happens