Kaname Madokakirawinter on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kirawinter/art/Kaname-Madoka-270169672kirawinter

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Kaname Madoka



Ok. First I want to thank all people who wrote nice comments for me yesterday, you really cheer me up ^^

Second. Some people wrote that I dont need to commite suicide or I dont need to draw attention like that. Sorry, I didnt mean that I want to kill myself. Maybe its my crappy English, but I wrote only that life in other country sometimes sad and lonely. But I dont want to kill myself, and I am already not seventeen to make such kind of drama. Also, I hope that my photos will draw your attention, not my person. So, please dont misunderstand me ;A; Yesterday I was really upset after few things from last shoot, so looks like I wrote something completely negative...

So, lets all cheer up togethear with small and cute Madoka =w=

:iconmolisama: as Kaname Madoka

Photo by me :iconkirawinter:

More photos--->>>

:thumb275203349: :thumb268590717: :thumb271820509:

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Tenayathebitch's avatar
I like are cosplay