Earthbender TophKiraneko on DeviantArt

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Kiraneko's avatar

Earthbender Toph



Started out as a speedpaint, but then got too into it and forgot about the speed part heh... I should've painted this bigger =(

Avatar : The Last Airbender has ended, I'm gonna miss it a little. The ending isn't much to my liking, but there were good times in the animation. Looking forward to the live-action rendition! Toph here is my favourite character in the series, Uncle Iroh being second. I'm gonna miss the running jokes about Sokka constantly forgetting the fact that Toph is blind (the poster part in season 2 was my favourite). The chinese characters on the back are the 2 letters that appear in the Avatar opening, "earth" (on top) and "strong".

This is a new method of painting I'm trying, everything in one layer and on the sketch itself. I was awed by :iconjanaschi: tutorial on Blumen : [link] and decided to give it a shot.

You know, despite not being a loli fan, I am pretty good at drawing lolis. =/

Textures from : [link]
Tools : Wacom Graphire 3, Photoshop CS2
Image size
600x800px 780.11 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Kiraneko
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Iheartrizzoli's avatar
One of my favorites. You made Toph so exquisetely beautiful. The dirt on her feet were the PERFECT touch. Way to go on Toph.