Favourite Visual Artist
Salvador Dali. From dA: Malaika4, LiLaiRa.
Favourite Movies
V for Vendetta, Fight Club, Hannibal, The Lion King, Gladiator, Shutter Island, Sweeney Todd, Sleepy Hollow, The Butterfly Effect, Moulin Rouge etc.
Favourite TV Shows
I don't watch tv. Favourite animes: Death Note, Hellsing, Black Lagoon, Kuroshitsuji, Zero no Tsukaima, FMA, Junjou Romantica, Vampire Knight, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi etc.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Muse, Katy Perry, Placebo, Maximum The Hormone, Green Day, Panic! at the Disco, happysad, Strachy na Lachy, Owl City, Celldweller, Vavamuffin etd.
Favourite Books
Mostly polish ones, like Siewca Wiatru or Klamca.
Favourite Writers
M. L. Kossakowska, J. Cwiek, T. Prattchet
Favourite Games
Impressive Title, Feral Heart, Minecraft sometimes.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Gimp, Photoshop Elements, ArtRage, Paint Tool SAI, Wacom Bamboo Fun M.
Other Interests
Manga, anime, RPG, cats, fantasy, music, art.