Galaxy Eyes - TutorialKipichuu on DeviantArt

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Galaxy Eyes - Tutorial



Pink Bullet PointGalaxy Eyes Tutorial. A little disclaimer: I know it's not a simple one, and you might notice that I didn't gave much attention to the exterior of the eye, since I already have a more detailed tutorial of that. I wanted to focus more on the colors, and how to create the galaxy effect. Sorry if it's not the best tutorial but I'm still working on a full artwork and it's still going to give me a lot of work. I didn't want to leave you hanging with nothing, so I thought between that, I would upload what you guys seem to love the most! Besides, this like a re-make of one of my traditional works; And I had thousands of people (literally) to ask me to do a tutorial on this. It's not the same, but you still get the idea! As I always say,  keep in mind that is not a really detailed tutorial; Is more of a step by step, for people who already have some good knowledge about digital programs and how to work with them, so it's not a simple tutorial, for people who are getting started.

Above all that, I hope I helped some of you in some way!

Done with Paint Tool SAI.

Pink Bullet Point Some other works:

    Ignis by Kipichuu  Elizabeth - BioShock Infinite by Kipichuu  Vampire Lips - Tutorial by Kipichuu   Eye Tutorial by Kipichuu
Image size
496x594px 191.19 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Kipichuu
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pandywewe1's avatar

Oh my god AMAZING!