Fuze Media Logokipela on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kipela/art/Fuze-Media-Logo-59976375kipela

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Fuze Media Logo



Logotype for Fuze Media - the freshly branded Australian Web & Software Development House - [link]

The approach for this logo was to incorporate an abstract flame/fuze logotype with fresh and modern colours that gives the company a new direction going forward. The transition between the shapes and gradients gives the logo a 3d like appearance that wraps around itself.

Complete re-branding suite including logo, building signage, business cards, letterheads and document templates are almost complete, and I will submit as each is signed off.

Enjoy :)
Image size
1200x1194px 208.64 KB
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kipela's avatar
This company decided to blatantly copy this logo design and make a profit from it. Don't use them - www.multimediamars.com/

They designed this logo in question. I have spoken to the business owners and they are now aware of it - www.synergyplacements.com.au/