Species Info | The Tide Pool
Kingdoms + Villages
Territories, Unique Biomes | Special Locations
World History | Handlers | Wildlife
[Activities] | [Shards + Rep/Rank] | Stats + Levels
Events | Den Clubs + The Oracle
The Marketplace | [Item Catalogue]
The Oracle is quiet for now.
Make no mistake, however,
when it has a vision for you,
you will know.
General Art Gallery Box Placeholder;
though it's worth noting that it might be better to let this one be a default widget, there's no clunky white box around it. Only problem is that it page-stretches like nobody's business if there are many, and there doesn't seem to be any way to control how many are displayed or the size of the thumbnails.
No use trying to replace this until we actually have something in the G.A. gallery, though; it can't be selected as an option in-widget if its empty.
This group is the
of FeraImperi,
an ARPG for Fera
and their world, Kinto.
Your first step will be getting
a Fera, which there are a number
of ways to do,
from taming and adoption,
to others' breeding, to events!
We're working on a variety
of activities players can
pursue if they wish, but
the goal is to
keep things relaxed.
<member thumbnail here>
Player 001
<character thumbnail here>
Character 001