EVA Foam Breastplate TutorialKinpatsu-Cosplay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kinpatsu-cosplay/art/EVA-Foam-Breastplate-Tutorial-503414337Kinpatsu-Cosplay

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EVA Foam Breastplate Tutorial



My tutorial on how to make a basic female breastplate using EVA foam and (optional) thermoplastic.

For more of my work you can follow me on facebook. www.facebook.com/KinpatsuCospl…

I also have a some Video tutorials on youtube: www.youtube.com/user/Neix567


Where do I buy my foam? 
I buy it locally so I can't really help anyone find suppliers :o you will have to do some research yourself.

Can I heat foam with a hairdryer?
You can try :o I just don't think they get hot enough to be able to shape foam well enough.

What is Thermoplastic?
Thermoplastic is a plastic that can be shaped and molded when heated. examples of thermoplastics are worbla and wonderflex.

What Thermoplastic am I using? 
I am using something called Rx5145 from a company named Rhenoflex
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3062x20839px 14 MB
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