a g e: old enough! C:
h o m e: Oregon~♥
m u s i c: EDM, German rock and alternative/indie rock
f a v c h a r a c t e r s: Optimus Prime, Davy Jones, Megamind, Wall-E, Richard, Iron Man, Aku, Melan Blue, Briareos, and Ganondorf
q u o t e: BEANS!
Favourite Visual Artist
All of you!
Favourite Movies
Transformers, Megamind, Appleseed, Interstella 5555, Iron Man, GI Joe, PotCs, LotRs, and every 2D/3D Pixar/Disney movie!
Favourite TV Shows
Stargate: SG-1 & Atlantis, Transformers G1, Powerpuff Girls
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Daft Punk, Deadmau5, Bloody Beetroots, Skrillex, Kaskade, Justice, Robyn, Danger... and many, many more...
Favourite Games
LoZ: Ocarina of Time, World of Warcraft, Minecraft, Pokemon: Heart Gold
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo 64, PC
Tools of the Trade
Pencil and paper/SAI
Other Interests
Drawing, WoW, robots, drawing, art, cosplay.... and uh... drawing?