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The Dark Knight Trilogy Epilogue: The Huntress



Ok first thing -- I heartily agree that The Dark Knight Rises was it. I would be highly upset if WB decided to take the continuity Nolan established and made another movie with John Blake as Batman. The Batman story was meant to end in TDKR. Otherwise you lessen the impact of the trilogy as a whole.

BUT that doesn't mean the story couldn't continue in my mind movies.

Some notes:

- One thing I refused to include was the idea that tragedy seems to be Helena's drive in all her incarnations (even the BoP TV show!) And I'm adamant that I retain Bruce and Selina's happy ending. So if there is some kind tragedy that occurs in Helena's life, it will not involve her parents who will continue to live on in post-movie bliss.
- Bruce and Selina being in Italy at the end of TDKR really paved the way for them to adopt the 'Bertinelli' guise. Thus the nice amalgamation of Helena W. and Helena B.
- I dig the idea that she took her Mom and Pop's costume and essentially mashed them together. She took the Bat belt, somehow melded it to the Cat belt, and painted it purple. She nabbed her mom's thief suit because she didn't want to be weighed down by her father's armor. But she did adopt his Memory Cloth cape.
- Helena improved her mother's goggles (notice the new hotness infrared visor rotates up to shape her bat ears)
- NBC Community fans may recognize the audience members in panel 2.
- Helena, like her parents, has brown hair.
- Helena has way more facial features from her mom. (Admittedly because Christian Bale's sharp features may be dashing - but don't make for a very pretty girl)
- I like the idea Linda Hemming presented in an interview concering Bruce and Selina wearing colorful clothing. This signified they had made it.. that they had let go of their former lives. So in order to keep with that theme, Helena is going in the opposite direction. So in each panel, her outfit is getting darker.
- I kind of regret I didn't give her a more youthful body build. But I wanted to give her a physique that's somewhere between Catwoman and Batwoman. Plus I was watching the Olympics and was inspired a bit by the ever bad-ass Hope Solo..

In any case... have more post TDKR character takes. More to come. Hope you guys like this one.
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Could I please use this design for a drawing I have in mind, you'll be given full credit