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A Better Class Of Criminal (Nolanverse villains)



Wanted to group everyone together from the Epilogues and the movies (with new dudes added)

Some notes:
- If you're asking who's the creepy guy on the left next to Scarecrow, that's Clayface.  Before you throw a fit, I'm super happy with my interpretation of him.  Basing it on the first appearance of Clayface back in the 40s, Basil Karlo just wore a clay mask and was going around murdering the sh*t out of people on a movie set.  I'm working on a full piece for him, so I'll hold off on telling the whole story.  But it was my chance to go full-on serial killer.  I was not too keen on just making every Bat villain a murderous psychopath (e.g. some people wanted Riddler to be some zodiac killer), but it's all good when it comes to Basil.  Also, sort of keeping his shape changing powers.. turns out this version of Clayface uses movie prosthetics to hide his identity

- Tried to keep Deadshot as close as I could to his Gotham Knight interpretation, since I sorta hold those up as TDK canon.  But his get up was super flamboyant, so I opted to make it look as homeless as possible since he's trying to remain inconspicuous. If you can't tell, that's a Gotham Rogues hat he's wearing (I just couldn't with the zoot suit hat - that thing's ridiculous)

- Also tried to keep Croc close to his GK design. If you look up cases of actual hyperkeratosis (his skin condition) -- it really looks scaly as hell (uhhhh. don't look it up at work, though) -- also wanted to note my favorite version of Croc is Azzarello's 'Joker' version so that's in the mix, too.

- Scarecrow looks crazy because that's the fear gas version of him.  Wanted to make it so when you look at him, you must be under the influence.  It's hard to tell but there's worms coming out of his mouth

- That's Manbat above scarecrow - he's a silhouette on purpose.  My idea is that Manbat is a Scarecrow experiment/manifestation.. I might elaborate on it later.. but I like that he's kind of a mystery coupled with J.Crane

- People are asking me what happened to Harley's scar.  To be honest, I kind of regretted giving her a cut smile -- it's so contrived.  But looking back, I let her do it with a surgical knife.  For anyone that's been in surgery like me, you know those heal pretty well if you treat them right.  And unlike the Joker, Harley isn't full-on unsanitary.  But if you're a fan of the cut smile, don't worry, Joker drives Harley so crazy she just may cut herself over and over (which is terrible, btw)

- That is Patton Oswalt as Penguin because even though it was a joke short film, I thought he was brilliant as Oswald.

- For people saying Mr. Freeze is too sci-fi for the nolanverse.. that is literally just a blue hazmat suit on him.

- happy accident that somehow the main film villains from a V (for villain) from Ra's to his daughter (I don't really count Selina as a main villain)
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Awww! I love Riddler 🙂