WP7 - Departure 2kingyoART on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kingyoart/art/WP7-Departure-2-174569476kingyoART

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WP7 - Departure 2



This is a set of mobile interface design baseed on Windows phone 7. It optimizes user experience and brings new joy to your life. For detail, please visit www.iKingyo.com
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© 2010 - 2024 kingyoART
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Nice deviation as it is to be, but I do like the design motto of wpf, Content instead of chrome. As cool as it looks, it seems no different from any other glossy UX from android or sony ericsson. This is a slideshare presentation from the design escenarios that built the windows phone concept and a blgo post explaining why it was important to erase and build from zero [link]


and here´s the 40min longer reasoning of why microsoft went the oposite way of celebrating hyperalism like apples so perfectly does.
