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kingpin1055's avatar

Ghostbusters.nuts No.59



Subtitle: We wish you a Messy Christmas

Sorry this is late in, procrastination is a terrible thing.

Special thanks once again to regular contributer Fritz Baugh. :)

If you're wondering, the Wireless Traps appeared in issue #4 of the Ghostbusters: Legion Miniseries by 88MPH studios.

If you haven't a clue how "Walking in the Air" goes, here's a link that'll give you the general idea:
Ramond Brigg's "The Snowman" - 'Walking in the Air'.

-And if you don't know what The Snowman is, it's a classic children's animation shown often around Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone, and have a Happy New Year! :)
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Why is Slimer saying "meesa"? That's that annoying Star Wars word.