Deviation Actions
Badge Awards
Added: Drowzee, Krabby, Kingler, Scizor and Finneon
Individual sprites will be added to this Google Doc (WIP):
Every pixel in this is done by me! 🥵 Just a few things I wanted to point out about this project.
· All sprites will be battle positions from the Main Pokémon games, it is unlikely (not impossible) that I will do anything from the anime or other games, this includes Pokémon Go
· Any updated Sprites will be posted here and not over existing ones going forward.
· Any WIP Posts that I have already made with groups of Pokémon; Megas, Gigantamax etc. will also be updated, unless the sprite has been redone. So keep an eye on those.
· “Primal” Pokémon are included with “Mega Evolutions”
· I will almost certainly not be doing all forms of Spinda. If I do it would be one of the last things. It’s tedious 😂
· I’m fairly positive that I have missed some from the “alternate forms” section, so please let me know what you find!....(do not say Spinda)
· Gender Differences will be added to this at some point. I just have no patience for that right now.
· I have ZERO experience in icon spriting. So if I ever do them, it will be when everything else is done.
· Totem Pokémon MAY be included at some point as separate sprites
As always, I would really appreciate honest feedback. All sprites in this are free to use with the proper credits.
(Please do not ask about the layout / position of some Pokémon forms etc on this. I have positioned them how I would view them.)
Oh wow, this is so good! I was creating custom shinies for at least two weeks now and I can use this to make a custom shiny sheet once it is done! Thank you!