[CLOSED] Offer To Adoptkingfauna on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kingfauna/art/CLOSED-Offer-To-Adopt-853053201kingfauna

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kingfauna's avatar

[CLOSED] Offer To Adopt



Owner: FlyLark 

- This is an OFFER TO ADOPT. How this works is that you comment with an offer. Your offer is not guaranteed to be accepted. I will select an offer that appeals to me the most!
- You can offer any combination of: USD, Art, Characters (maybe). USD preferred, art second. Please give me an idea of your turnaround time if offering art.
- If no offer interests me, I reserve the right to keep the design for myself!
- Co-owning/purchasing is allowed, but please bear in mind that you co-own at your own risk and I am not responsible if anything goes awry in the co-ownership.
- Rendered, flatcolour and lineart versions will be given to the new owner.
- Once the adopt is yours, you can name them, decide their gender, give them a story, etc. That's all up to you!
- Payment (USD) is due in 48 hours as of me accepting your offer unless we agree beforehand on a payment plan.
- You may NOT edit the art. If you wish to tweak the design, please redraw it or have a piece commissioned for the new design. Do not alter the original art.
- You may trade/resell/giveaway this design once it's yours. Resell may not be higher than what you paid (+potential additional art you may have commissioned)
- I reserve the right to add more rules as I see fit
Image size
1000x1000px 1.05 MB
© 2020 - 2025 kingfauna
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airrling's avatar

crying this is so beautifulsldkjflsjf