The Legend of Zelda Gold Belt Cosplay TutorialKing-Bobbles on DeviantArt

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The Legend of Zelda Gold Belt Cosplay Tutorial



So here's another Skyward Sword tutorial made by my partner in crime, Melanie! 

She had a lot of little props to make for her cosplay but we'll focus on one for now, the gold belt!

In the tutorial, she lists some materials that require you to purchase online. Here's the links!

Wooden flat circles:…

2" split balls:…

If you like the tutorial, please check out our Facebook page . We'd really appreciate it and we update as often as we can! We're way more active on Facebook so if you have a question, finding us there is probably the best option.
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Ladytalon1's avatar
Great tutorial - I don't cosplay LoZ but this plus your costume is amazing... many many MANY thanks for the links (no pun intended)!