Ladies and Gentelmen, glad to see you here. My name is Vasiliy Kindinov. If you saw my art somewhere in the Internet and want to communicate with me - here is right place for this. You can note me if you want to ask something or write comment to one of my works, but please don't ask me for request. I am a busy person and don't have enough time even for my own projects.
But it doesn't mean I am not interested in commissions. If you want to ask me about commission - note me and tell your idea and we will discuss it. I can draw characters using a photo so they would look like real life persons (not exactly but similar).
Anyway I am glad to meet you all here.
Hi, I love your work I wish you a lot of enthusiasm for creating.
Glad to see you posting again.
Just awful great artwork.
Happy belated birthday
Beautiful artwork, Vasily.
I like to travel to Latvia via GoogleEarth and I think it's a beautiful country. It looks like the cross-country skiing capitol of the world with tree-lined country roads everywhere. All the embattled New York store owners should just move there and give themselves a break...
I also use "Latvian spanking ladies" in my work. I hope you have a sense of humor...:)
Thanks a lot for the watch!