MBWA: Mall Bimbo Witch Assimilation - NudeKimRinzley on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kimrinzley/art/MBWA-Mall-Bimbo-Witch-Assimilation-Nude-1144919885KimRinzley

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MBWA: Mall Bimbo Witch Assimilation - Nude

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 A group of “bimbos” are hanging out at a cafe, talking about fashion, make-up and their cute partners when they notice that a “creepy guy” is staring at them, to the untrained and non magical eye of course. All of them can see that it’s not a “guy” but an egg looking at them with envy of the way they carry themselves, confident in who they are, so they hatch a devious little plan.

Most of them leave the cafe while two stay behind and join our egg at her table, flustering her immensely, saying that their friends had to run some errands that they’ve already done and she looks to be in need of some company. Gendering our little egg correctly the entire time which makes her blush so much her ears are red!

Finally the TG trigger arrives in the form of the bimbo group's favorite overly-sugary coffee drink, they get a cup for the egg and urge her to try it. As she drinks it her anxiety, fears and insecurities (maybe a few brain cells too) leave her while good fashion sense, makeup and magical knowledge and most importantly confidence come flooding in. Soon the rest of the group comes back, treating our newly transformed ex-egg like she always was part of the group.

[Male to female wholesome bimbofication]




If you like what I make and want to see it earlier or suggest ideas for future minicomics and other projects, you can always do so at the ol' Patreon.


And if you care about NSFW artists like Zi, Grumpy-TG, Jakalovid, Mira, myself and thousands of others and even p0rnographic AI art people, please consider signing the petition below.



And furthermore, if you're like me and you detest game developers and publishers ceasing support for online games years after release, there's currently an EU Citizens' Initiative to push EU legislators to consider this practice's legality and possibly make it illegal for game companies to make online games with "expiration dates." 




The petition is only valid for EU citizens, but spreading the word is never a bad idea. 

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© 2025 KimRinzley
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