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RWBY vs. Akame ga Kill



Finally, I've been wanting to do this a long time ago. This is my cross-fanart of RWBY and Akame ga Kill. The left chick is Yang Xiao Long from RWBY and the right babe is Leone from Akame ga Kill.

It really feels like they were sisters to me. Both blondie, have sex appeal and almost same style of fighting. I don't know if others don't agree, but hey, I like them both.

This is a just a quick artwork of the two since I need to change pace of making lots of dakimakura. But I guarantee you, these two hot babes are great!
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1500x1125px 369.22 KB
© 2014 - 2024 kimmy77
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Hey there pal! You mind if I make a request for some crossover drawings please? It'll be like a series!