The fortress of ancient dragons; Fort Dragonia. The ancient relic of the old world was the only thing that remained of a once great race of ancient beings. They left the Fortress as a way to come back into the world, though only when a certain set of people were chosen to regain their places as knights. The Knights of Eternity, Chaos, Fire, Wind, and Earth. There was a sixth knight, but there was a varying incident where he; in a fit of rage; killed his own dragon. His dragon was known as the Blood King, King of Dragons.Inside of the Fort was a set of stairways, most of them mixed together to be a complex maze, with various bats, mechanica...
...There was nothing left. Nothing. Bodies were littering the barren wasteland and the stench of blood could be smelt miles in every direction, regardless of the winds direction. She stood there alone, bloodied up beyond recognition. The only thing visible beyond the crimson and dark blood were her eyes. Eyes that held no hope for the future, no hope that she'd ever live beyond the very day that was soon to set. Dark wings spread, a screech of pain coming from her lips as she realized that her wings were torn and ragged, nearly useless. The final blow hadn't come yet... but she knew it would.It had to... Right?... But something was differe...
This is the long-awated history I threw together.Warning! It is not complete yet. This is only part 1.Dragon Item HistoryChapter One:It was around 500 B.C. when this all came about. The Demon Dragon, Barubary was running rampant around the parts of Southern America. He had all of the people under his control, and his power had gone unchecked and unrivaled for nearly ten centuries or so. Give or take a few decades. And there were four tribes that had somehow found a way to stay out of Barubary’s way and plan his defeat without him knowing anything about it. They were called The Four back then. Each tribe had control of one single element. O...
These were the Final days of one life, and the beginning of a new Hell.That is how one person might be looking upon this… But this is to explain it all.--Not too long after Chance had stored away Mundus’ energy within that Crystal he placed within his chest was he going to loose it. But no one ever said how he was going to loose it. And above the burnt plains left by what was left of Mundus’ army, that one fight was happening. There was Chance—naturally. And someone else all together. A Demon, but not one Mundus could even hope to control. He had mutinied against Hell and Satan and all it was about. He lost his horns for that reason. But h...
Over 500 page views! :D I am a happy dragon right now, and I'll have to make a drawing for this.Hell, cause everyone is doing it, right? D: RIGHT?!
Yes, I finally updated my DA page with a new sketch. Though the sketch isn't actually done yet, I figured I'd show a little bit of what I've been working on the past few days.The sketch is of Gaomon, from Digimon Savers.I'm just sort of debating now if I want to keep to the original idea of finishing off the sketch with him bound and gagged like I planned, or going off in a different direction.Suggestions? T_T