KimiPony on DeviantArt

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[SOLD] Adoptable #81 [AUCTION]


Badge Awards


Bullet Pink   Adopt Auction  Bullet Pink

OWNER: QueenOfWondr

[i]: potted sprout pixelADOPTABLE [i]: potted sprout pixel

✦SB - $20
✦MB - $3
✦AB -$90
✦AB 1 -$140

✦SB - The winner of the auction will receive a version
on a transparent background in .PNG + Personal use 

✦AB - SB+ Commercial use
( can use for commercial purposes  /can resell ) 

✦AB 1  - SB+AB/  NSFW (nude) version (same pose)
  the ability to change the color, facial expression and chest


Bullet Purple Rules Bullet Purple

-❀-I don’t accept refunds-❀-

-❀-Сan edit or redesign / gift rights-❀-

-❀- You have to pay within 48 hours, otherwise it will

go to the person with the second highest bid.

(in extreme cases, we can agree up to 2 weeks)
-❀-Auction ends 48 hours after the first bid-❀-

-❀- Boosty  (Sorry T-T)  -❀-

Image size
4512x3000px 8.75 MB
© 2024 KimiPony
KimiPony's avatar

Bid here   ~ Thank you = ̄ω ̄=

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