Looking for your first Padro?

1 min read

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KimboKah's avatar
But have no idea how to get one?

Admitted, imports are usually snatched very quickly. But there are other ways.

Get a free breeding with two of my horses!

How? Very simple. Go through these folders: kimbokah.deviantart.com/galler… and kimbokah.deviantart.com/galler… and look for a horse that has 'free to claim' slots left (almost all of them, don't worry)

Slots are absolutely free, the only condition is that you use the slot by sending a breeding note to the group within 30 days, and to give me a slot to the future foal.
Make sure to read the group's breeding rules before claiming a slot:
<da:thumb id="374440016"/>

Have fun!

© 2015 - 2025 KimboKah
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HatiMoonchaser's avatar

Hello! I've been reading about the breed lately and I was hoping to get my first Padro. Could I please nab slots from these two?

3311 NGS Saul Goodman
610 NGS Maili