Current Residence: Rider-Nation!
Favourite genre of music: every- except Rap (ick...)
Favourite style of art: realism
Operating System: Vista! (Down with Mac!!!)
Wallpaper of choice: Supernatural or Alice
Favourite cartoon character: spiderman, fathom, witchblade, the madgalena, Belle
Personal Quote: Dean : As long as I'm around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you.
Favourite Visual Artist
Salvador Dali, Micheal Turner(R.I.P.)
Favourite Movies
spiderman, LotRs, PotC, V for Vendetta, Underworld, PotO, IronMan
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
**Disturbed!!**finger 11, slip-knot, evanescenes, Celldweller, nightwish, Taylor Swift & more.
Favourite Games
Bomber Man, Portal ( Ymmm.. Cake), Felt 4 Dead!
Favourite Gaming Platform
pc, Wii, XBox 360
Tools of the Trade
My Imagenation!
Other Interests
movies, music, Photography, Saskatchewan Roughriders!!!!!