Got Tagged

4 min read

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killythirsk's avatar
well i got tagged by :iconlightofshelley:

and i will answer

so here we go

1. Favorite music

kaskade, blue stone, late night alumni, delerium, bonnie pink

2. Who is your favorite character (from anything)

Killy from Blame! by tsutomu nihei

3. Why (continue from 2)

because he is me, and i like his more talk less

4. Favorite weapon or means of self-defense


5. If you were given 1 wish what would it be?

the apple of Firdaus

6. Favorite food?

ice cube

7. Who is your favorite artist?

any anonym artist...

8. What kind of video gaming console(s) do you have?

PS-one hehehe

9. What kind of art subjects do you like? (action, humor, etc.)


10. Where would you rather be right now?

on a floating flatland, or my lucid dream

11. Why did you join deviantart?

its fun...i get more feedback here, everybody loves me,.. :)


here's the tag hahaha


1. What's your fav day in the week?

this one
Old Rastaman by BACHT

2. Where would you like to be right now?

home :)

3. What's your funniest joke?

the joke about i burn the whole electrical instalation to the dust the
first day i meet with a lighter, [5 years old], but zero casualties

4. Who's your fav  family member?

my sister

5.  Do you know what you will get this christmas?

a message, an invitation, a friend

6. Describe your character with one word!


7. What was your wildest dream?

lucid dream

8. With whom would you be alone on a lonely island?

oh waw, idk, i prefer female perhaps

9. What's your haircolor?

crimson black

10. What would you love to share with the world?

my country...


my questions


1.what is your best work ?


2.can you do a lucid dream ? share it the experience with me


3.what is your worst delerium ?


4.have any ghost experience ? got story about ghost ?


5.why are you here ?


6.favourite colour ?


7.chose a number from 0 to 9, what number ?


8.who teach you your work now ? who is your mentor ?


9.what do you think of this tag ?


10. [you dont need to answer this] what do you think of my work ? :) hahaha


11.what is your favourites musician from Indonesia


and i tagged


:iconmihaelawliet: :iconadalahgege: :iconaryapunx13: :iconkismet3135: :iconcattereia: :iconadhe2chazper: :iconkill-zion: :iconipul-eq: :iconkamerasaurus: :iconkido-purple: :iconpontusj: :iconforstar1995: :iconultranugraha: :iconpyrogina: :iconshod: :iconvardiko-geo: :iconsupertrava: :iconnameundisclosed:
© 2012 - 2024 killythirsk
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adhe2chazper's avatar
1. finished my junior high school exam :D
2. I can't
3. when my headache and fever recurrent. #shit
4. haven't! #alhamdulillah
5. as spy #LOL
6. all dark colour (black+red)
7. 8
8. person in my hallucinations
9. cool
11. Maliq & D'essential, Saint Loco, Cokelat, Utopia, Kotak