Dorian-theme-3.10killhellokitty on DeviantArt

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killhellokitty's avatar




~ An Elegant Dark Theme ~

Dorian has many  unique characteristics. Such as, hovered buttons grow in size and insensitive buttons/widgets have a diagonal pattern distinguishing them from normal or active states.

Icons: F-Dark(Faenza)
Based on the Adwaita theme

  • Gtk2 Theme
  • Gtk3 Theme
  • Metacity/Mutter Themes - Basic and Retro: Left and Right
  • Openbox Themes - Default(retro-box) and Dorian-Neon
  • Ubuntu Software-Center Theme
  • Chromium Browser Themes - Dorian and Dorian-Simple
  • Firefox Browser Theme

  • Gtk3 - version Gtk-3.10.*
  • Gtk2 - version Gtk-2.24.17 or newer
  • gtk-engine-unico - latest available version should be fine
  • gtk-engine-murrine- (or newer)
  • pixbuf-engine or the gtk(2)-engines package

  • Download the Dorian-Theme package from the top of this page. Unzip the archive, and copy the following four folders; dorian-theme-3.10, dorian-neon, dorian-retro-left-metacity and dorian-retro-right-metacity to '/usr/share/themes/' for system-wide installation, or to '~/.themes' for individual user.
    *Should you have problems with the theme appearing incorrectly, warped or distorted(metacity in particular). It may be necessary to reinstall to '/usr/share/themes', and log-out and back in.
  • Arch Linux & Manjaro
    Install from Arch Linux AUR
    If using yaourt, type in terminal: yaourt -S dorian-theme-3.10

  • Ubuntu I am no longer maintaining the killhellokitty PPA.  Instead check-out  
    Trusty Tahr 14.04 has a great many issues when using this theme.  
    Including the window manager theme doesn't work.  I do not know if or when this bug will be addressed.  
    Do not submit bug reports at this time.  Thank You

Nautilus Pathbar Styles: squared(default), rounded(3.6 style), and normal button
  • Open '/usr/share/themes/dorian-theme-3.10/gtk-3.0/gtk-main.css'
  • Scroll to the last items on the page (a line containing:nautilus-pathbar.css).
  • Uncomment the style you prefer, or comment all for normal buttons.
    (Remove the /* from the front and */ from the back)
  • Save and Log-out and back in; or try 'nautilus -q' in terminal.

12022013-1  Nemo theme finished with special attention to pathbar and split-view.  Additional Nautilus-Pathbar theme added as default.  Changed Column-Headers appearance.
12142013-1 Minor changes with tabs and new tabs for Gtk2.  New matching scrollbars for Gtk2.  Many various adjustments.  This version takes it out of Beta.
12172013-1 Ubuntu/Unity fixes for panel and its music player buttons.  Also overlay scrollbars.  Added the package to Ubuntu repos for Saucy and Trusty.
12232013-1 Unity close/min/max buttons added. New buttons for metacity right/left retro themes.  fixed column headers in Gtk2 to match with Gtk3.
105222014 Ubuntu window-manager is now working and themed.

license GPLv3
© 2013 - 2025 killhellokitty
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LordGeddy's avatar
AWESOME THEME!  Thanks so much for this.  I do have a quick question.  All of my windows have a white border around them that your screenshots do not.  Any idea what could be causing this or what I need to change?  screenshot:…
