Deviation Actions
Hologram's renderer now uses a shape meter to draw an arbitrary number of triangles. This means it can render edges and/or faces.
Using a single meter for rendering also eliminates load times. However, because this new method involves rasterization, (re)draws are much slower than the original point cloud method. Still, rendering will be less than 30 seconds even for very complex models, compared to the minutes or hours it took the point cloud version to load points.
To make user interaction smoother, if the last render took longer than 0.5 seconds, then whenever the user interacts with the skin, Hologram will automatically replace the model with a low poly stand-in. When you are done adjusting settings, click anywhere to start rendering.
I've also added STL file support (both ASCII and binary formats) and a file/folder browser. No more copy-pasting in file paths!
The original point cloud version, which is more suited for real-time animation, can be downloaded on GitHub. I've backported STL support and the file browser to it.
I've added many presets to HoloFFT:
Some lackluster presets have been removed. Sphere and Vortex have been modified.
Audio peak detection has been added, which is used in Sphere and Ripple. These 2 presets look best with positive attack and decay settings.