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Cthulhu's Pencils Fhtagn



Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu's pencils R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.

I dont exactly know why, but several people asked me if I could sell them a cast so, whatever, I just finished it and the molds are done as well.
Here's is the first cast with a very quick black/sepia wash. Could be better, but that's MY cup! (at least it was...)

Dunno how long the mold will survive, but if you want one for yourself, drop me a PM or an email ( ) Price will probably be €15 / $22 + shipping for the inkwash version, a little less for an unpainted cast (either "ready to paint" or a raw cast for your "kit" building pleasures).


Good news, everyone! Since a lot of people asked me if I could get them a cup with the original green inkwash or a completely different color, here's the deal: The black-purple ones are still available for € 15,00, but you can get it in any other inkwashed color you want for € 17,00. At least as long as I have that color somewhere, but I should have pretty much every color in my shelf. Just tell me what color you want and I'll mix that up just for your cup. How does that sound?
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