I'm born in 1981 in France.
I write some poesy and I make drawings less or more with regularity since the 90's, inspired at the time by Arthur Rimbaud and Dragon Ball... In 2002, I had my first numerical camera, and I was charmed by the side fast and direct of this practice. Much time has passed ^,^
Current Residence: France, Toulon
deviantWEAR sizing preference: M
Favourite genre of music: French Pop Rock
Favourite photographer: David Zajac :
davidzajac.comFavourite style of art: Linouuu :
linouuu.deviantart.comOperating System: Windows 7 (sorry :P)
MP3 player of choice: Foobar2000
Favourite cartoon character: sylvestre (WB)
Personal Quote: Error is human. And I'm very very human.