Hidden Ghoul 2 character designs part 3KidcoreJibanyan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kidcorejibanyan/art/Hidden-Ghoul-2-character-designs-part-3-867069272KidcoreJibanyan

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Hidden Ghoul 2 character designs part 3



Here are the designs for the Yokai forms of the human characters!

I realized that I actually already had these done and decided to post them now.

I had a difficult time trying to come up with designs for these……it explains why they look messy.

And that’s all of the concept art for the characters,for my AU,Hidden Ghoul 2!

Now,I can finish writing the key events and start writing Hidden Ghoul 2! This fic should be out sometime in February…….hopefully.

If you draw these designs,please credit me!

Sorry for the weird cropping.

Everything belongs to their rightful owners 
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2179x3653px 2.1 MB
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