KidChimera00's avatar


Sarcastic kid with an afro
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The Egg by KidChimera00, literature

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The Egg by KidChimera00, literature


Deviation Spotlight

The Egg by KidChimera00, literature

Artist // Hobbyist // Literature
  • Nov 4, 1994
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (18)
My Bio

Hello, KidChimera00 here! I’m a writer of pokémon and WWIII fanfics and—in my spare, writer’s block filled, time—I create avatars. I have enough confidence in my work to say I don’t suck too much, but I’m far from the best.

As for what to call me, well… I go by many names: Kid, Nick, Smartass, “That sarcastic kid with an Afro,” and Sergeant Sarcasm.

If you read my stories/enjoy my pixel art and want more, You'll have to wait until I get a laptop.

If you want to use any of my characters in a fan work, feel free to do so but only if you give me credit for my characters.

Current Residence: ...Where am I again?
Print preference: On paper. Duh.
Favourite genre of music: Classic Rock, Alt Rock, JRock, Chiptune
Favourite photographer: silvershadow197 (my sister)
Favourite style of art: Comics
Operating System: damn slow.
MP3 player of choice: missing.
Shell of choice: Triple Red Koopa Shell
Wallpaper of choice: My PSP wallpaper
Favourite cartoon character: Napoleon (Random Doom)
Personal Quote: "Sergeant Sarcasm reporting for duty."

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Spaceballs, Airplane
Favourite TV Shows
Stargate Atlantis, Being Human, House, Psych
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Cage The Elephant, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Anamanaguchi, Tokyo Police Club
Favourite Books
Red Storm Rising
Favourite Writers
srgeman, Fallen Vanguard, tracefan, Tom Clancy
Favourite Games
Modern Warfare 3, Homefront
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Sarcasm, Grenadier SCAR-H w/ Thermal Scope, Afro, More Sarcasm
Other Interests
Girls and Games!
:thumb172928800:Writers' Block didn't just hit me, it took a mallet to my face a left me dazed and in a ditch, And you know what that means: AVATAR TIEM! I'll make an avatar for a lucky few deviants for a measly 10:points: each. There is however a catch::bulletgreen: Any payments won't count unless they're made AFTER I accept the request. Spend those points beforehand and it count as a regular donation and not a commission payment.:bulletred: Please keep it simple! I do not have as much confidence in my abilities as I should.:bulletred: No animations at the moment. I know I could GIMP for those and I have it, but I personally pref...
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Alright, I know I've been away from dA for a while and I have no excuse for that other than I decided to work on a Pokemon/Law and Order crossover in my spare time. It's gonna be better than it sounds, I assure you.
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0 min read
It took awhile, but after a mind-numbing struggle, I finally managed to type up part of Just Another Day. :D Now if only I can deal with the massive writer's block that comes with Apocalypse: WW3. But hey, with writer's block, come more of my avatars.What do you mean that's a bad thing? :iconwthplz: The groaning really isn't necessary, guys.*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Also, see my new avatar in the corner? I have no name for that yet. U_Uu*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*That's it, unless I'm forgetting anything. So now, I must go back to defending the Earth from the never-ending zombies of Eastern Europe.
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Profile Comments 22

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JK, Thank's for the watch and all that.
How in the world could Uryuu and Russia even match in personality?!
I thought you liked them.
Not together. xDD HAHAHA.
Thank you for the fav :heart: