Hello, KidChimera00 here! I’m a writer of pokémon and WWIII fanfics and—in my spare, writer’s block filled, time—I create avatars. I have enough confidence in my work to say I don’t suck too much, but I’m far from the best.
As for what to call me, well… I go by many names: Kid, Nick, Smartass, “That sarcastic kid with an Afro,” and Sergeant Sarcasm.
If you read my stories/enjoy my pixel art and want more, You'll have to wait until I get a laptop.
If you want to use any of my characters in a fan work, feel free to do so but only if you give me credit for my characters.
Current Residence: ...Where am I again?
Print preference: On paper. Duh.
Favourite genre of music: Classic Rock, Alt Rock, JRock, Chiptune
Favourite photographer: silvershadow197 (my sister)
Favourite style of art: Comics
Operating System: ...is damn slow.
MP3 player of choice: ...is missing.
Shell of choice: Triple Red Koopa Shell
Wallpaper of choice: My PSP wallpaper
Favourite cartoon character: Napoleon (Random Doom)
Personal Quote: "Sergeant Sarcasm reporting for duty."