SI: Sunsets And Supernovas (a)Kid31 on DeviantArt

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Kid31's avatar

SI: Sunsets And Supernovas (a)



[Linked with Sunsets and Supernovas (b) ]

Name of Event: Face to Face

Focus Curio: Cyrus

Guest Curios: n/a

EXP Tally: 

Shaded Fullbody: 6exp

Complex BG: 8exp

Total: 14exp

Token Tally:

Shaded Fullbody: 12T
Complex BG: 16T

Total: 28T

RP Response?: yes [Vinnra]

NPC Question:

"What are sunsets like in other planets? Are there planets where the sunset appears a different color?


Have your kind ever destroyed a star? What would that look like? Would you consider it to be as beautiful as a sunset? If you have a recording of that, I'd love to see it."



Image size
2160x1440px 2.46 MB
© 2024 - 2025 Kid31
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After several intense conversations the question is a welcome change of pace for the General though he doesn’t see how it will help their case. “Our home planet and this planet both share a yellow star, but I’ve been to a planet with a blue star and that was… Strange. It never felt like it was truly daylight and it depressed my unit’s spirits after several years. It was during a particularly difficult campaign early on in my career so perhaps that has… colored… my memory of it.”

The second question earns a half laugh. “No, there’s never been a reason to destroy a star. I assume it would look like one of the collapsed stars we’ve come across. They can be beautiful, if not a little sad. I don’t have footage on hand, but if you’ve ever seen an aura through one of our scanners- Ah, I guess that’s not something you’d understand. You’ll have to rely on your imagination then.”

Drop: strange capsule

[Item] Strange Capsule