Mickey and IwerksKicsterAsh on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kicsterash/art/Mickey-and-Iwerks-414500738KicsterAsh

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Mickey and Iwerks



My tumblr is here---> imaginashon.tumblr.com/

I betcha some (or more, depending on which generation you come from) think that Walt Disney was the sole creator of Mickey Mouse. The truth is that Mickey was created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks. A man no one was been able to beat his record of drawings per day in history (600-700 were drawn a night by him, for two weeks, to create Plane Crazy and Steamboat Willie, Mickey's two first shorts).

Since I’ve drawn Mickey with Walt (is on tumblr at the moment, not dA), I decided to draw him with his other creator, the lesser known one (sadly): animation great Ub Iwerks. While Disney gave Mickey his personality, Iwerks gave him his looks and animated his earliest shorts. After struggling with being in Disney’s shadow, Iwerks left and went to work on his own projects and then for other studios. In 1940, he returned to find work at the Disney studios.

I guess I feel that, after nearly a little over a decade of not seeing his other creator Mickey would be thrilled to see Iwerks again (My ToonZverse Headcanon!). The mouse would split his time between Walt and Iwerks. And Minnie, of course.

Since it’s Mickey’s (an Minnie's!) 85th birthday today (November 18th), I figured I’d finish this up and post it. Missed posting something for Bugs’ birthday back in July, derp!

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PriestessOfNox's avatar

Aww, so cute! Love the expressions.