Hands reference 4Kibbitzer on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kibbitzer/art/Hands-reference-4-428109721Kibbitzer

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Hands reference 4

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Sometimes I need to practice,I'm fucking lazy! In my drawings the hands are always crooked! X'D
I hope this will help you! 

if you are interested on patreon you can find more "normal"reference sheets for $1 per month!
use it for your exercises if you need, but don't trace it please X'D
If you want to show me the result, do it here or on my facebook page! I'll appreciate it XD

patrons or not, thanks for the support!
Reading reference sheet by KibbitzerEating reference sheet by KibbitzerAction reference sheet 2 by KibbitzerAction reference sheet by Kibbitzer
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