Eating reference sheetKibbitzer on DeviantArt

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Kibbitzer's avatar

Eating reference sheet



Hello guys! I'm sorry, this month I'm posting a few things...I'm still weak because of the surgery,
but I'm back with this new reference sheet! people eating stuff! I hope it will help you! The hands are always a pain in the ass :'D

BTW if you think that this is useful and you are interested on patreon  
you can get the complete series fullsize and all the monthly reference sheets for $5 
(or $1 for the standard references)after all the pledges get processed by patreon!

use it for your exercises if you need, but don't trace it and put the credits if you publish it please X'D

Action reference sheet 2 by Kibbitzer Action reference sheet by KibbitzerInteracting Characters reference sheet by KibbitzerKisses Reference Sheet by Kibbitzer

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1449x1404px 463.78 KB
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Satellayter's avatar

thnaxs for this , helped me a lot